FLorida DLM Code Compliance

ASME A17.3-2015

Keeping you up to code - proactively!

When changes to the state code occur, such as the new Elevator Door Lock Monitoring regulations that recently passed, we are ready to help you be prepared, before the deadline hits. We will advise you if any changes need to be made for you to be in compliance, guide you on the best way to implement any needed changes, and assist you in ensuring all documentation is correct. As always, helping you maintain, modernize, and remain compliant is our goal.

Wondering what the new regulation for DLM (Door Lock Monitoring) does? DLM is a safety feature that ensures the rider is totally safe while the elevator is approaching the floor and leveling with the landing. DLM ensures the computer signal is accurate and correct, and keeps passengers securely inside the elevator until it is safe to exit.

The Code

3.10.12 System to monitor and prevent automatic operation of passenger and freight elevators with faulty door contact circuits.

 All automatic passenger and freight elevators shall comply with this section by January 1, 2024. Means shall be provided to monitor the position of power-operated car doors that are mechanically coupled with the landing doors or power-operated car doors with manually operated swing-type hall doors, while the car is in the landing zone, in order

​(a) to prevent the operation of the car if the car door is not closed (see Section 3.10.12 of ASME A17.3-2015), regardless of whether the portion of the circuits incorporating the car-door contact or the interlock contact of the landing door coupled with car door, or both, are closed or open, except as permitted under any of the following conditions:

(1) by a car-leveling or truck-leveling device

(2) when a hoistway access switch is operated

(3) when the top-of-car inspection operation utilizing a car door by-pass or hoistway-door bypass switch is activated 1855

(4) when on any mode of inspection operation; and

(b) to prevent, except as permitted by inspection operation, the power closing of the doors if the car door is fully open and any of the following conditions exist:

(1) the car-door contact is closed or the portion of the circuit, incorporating this contact is bypassed;

(2) the interlock contact of the landing door that is coupled to the opened car door is closed or the portion of the circuit, incorporating this contact is bypassed, except when operating during Firefighters’ Service Phase II;

          Exception: For swing-type door operation, the locking (secondary) contacts shall be monitored.

(3) the car-door contact and the interlock contact of the door that is coupled to the opened car door are closed, or the portions of the circuits incorporating these contacts are bypassed;


Design and/or controller modifications shall be approved by the controller manufacturer or a registered design professional. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of chapter 1 of title 28 of the Administrative Code, the work required to comply with this section may not be performed without a permit from the department.


Door Monitoring Solution


  • Force Guided Relays on All Circuits

  • SIL Rated PLC

  • Easy to Understand Diagnostics

  • Diagnostic Screens for Easy Troubleshooting

  • Diagnostic Screen Can Be Saved to USB Stick (USB Stick Included on all Boxes)

  • Easy PLC Upgrade via USB Stick

  • Built at a local UL 508 Shop

  • Off the Shelf Parts

  • Internal Box Wiring Diagram Provided

  • Indicators on all items

  • Engineering Services Available to Assist with Non –Standard, or Legacy Controllers


  • Home Screen shows state of Box

  • IO Screen allows technicians to determine issues quickly

  • Fault Log allows technician to demonstrate box operation to NYC DOB during Acceptance Testing

  • IO Trace® allows technicians to see IO states during operation

  • Screens can be saved as JPEG files to the on board USB stick by clicking on the camera icon

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